Contact Us

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When you are ready to begin exploring your story possibilities, contact us for a free 30-minute phone conversation to discovery if our services match your story needs.

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We look forward to helping you tell your story!

6 comments on “Contact Us

  1. Would you possibly consider reviewing or otherwise promoting my book? The title is: “Confessions of a Grumpy High Priest: J. Golden Kimball From the Back Row. ”

    It’s a collection of humorous stories with a twist of motivating people to study and search the restored gospel.


    Zan Larsen

  2. Rosemarie,
    I’m Chris LeGrow and am the autor of “Senile Squad”. A novel about a retirement home built for old cops. They just don’t want to stop being cops yet. They sneak out, make live miserable for crooks, then get back into their retirement home under the noses of the staff, public, and the police. I would like to send you a copy of the book, available on Amazon, or at for your review for Mormontimes. I’m sure you get a lot of similar requests, but I would appreciate your consideration.


    Chris LeGrow

  3. Hi Rosemarie,

    I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for the review you wrote for the Deseret News which went up on the 4th August re my book ‘The Crystal Realm Krytor’s Return’.

    From the review it sounds like you really enjoyed it. 🙂 I hope they let you keep the book. If they didn’t, he next time I come to the USA I’ll pop into Springfield and sign one for you.

    We are currently editing the second book and would love to have it ready for Christmas, but I just don’t spend all my time writing unfortunately and it may not come to pass.

    Once again Thank you and don’t stop reading.

    Kind regards,

    Chris Ballantyne

  4. I saw your review of SLCA concert and wondered if you also do articles about upcoming concerts. Mary Johnson, who has taught recorder up at the “U” for many years, has a group of talented musicians that perform Early Music (14th century). The group is Sine Nominee and they will be performing on April 29th – 5:00 PM at the All Saints Episcopal Church, 1710 S Foothill, Salt Lake City.

    • rhoward on said:

      Hi Eve,
      Thanks for your comment and suggestion for an advance article. The answer to your question is “yes.” I will check with the editor I work with at Deseret News and see if they would be interested in an advance story on Sine Nominee’s concert in April.
      Are you one of the group members, or a member of SLCA?
      Best regards,

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