Price Your Edit

We edit documents at reasonable rates!

copyeditsWelcome!  We appreciate your interest in our editing services.

In order to take the guess work out of billing, we base our fees on the number of pages in your project. 250 words is a standard page.

Calculating your final fee is easy. Divide the total number of words in your document by 250 and then multiply that number by the per page charges listed below. Most word processing software provides a word count at the bottom of the document page.

We can usually deliver your edited document in five to seven business days from the date we receive your document.  This depends, of course, on the size of the project.

All rates are quoted in U.S. dollars. There is minimum charge of $45.00 per job. Additional charges may apply for rush projects.

Editing will be done electronically. This means we will edit your Word or Open Office document on the computer, not on a printed page. If you would like us to edit a printed version of your document, please check with us in advance. There will be an additional charge to edit from a printed document.

Please submit your document in a Word or Open Office file as an email attachment or an FTP client.


 A Quick Look: the economy package

If you just need a second pair of eyes to look at your almost ready for publication document, this is the service for you.  We will look for and correct obvious spelling, grammar and punctuation errors – the kinds of errors that often get missed because you’ve read the document so many times it all looks correct to you.

FEE:  $1.50/page


A ten-page document, or 2500 words, would cost $45, our base rate.

A 300 page document, or 75,000 words, would cost $450.

Standard Proofreading

In this package, we look for overall consistency of style and  awkward construction, along with the basic editing provided in the economy package.

FEE:  $2.00/page


A ten-page document, or 2500 words, would cost $45, our base rate.

A 300 page document, or 75,000 words, would cost $600.


Line-by-Line Copy Editing

In addition to everything in the standard proofreading package, this premium service includes checking for general flow of ideas, structure, clarity, sense, word choice, redundancies, and inconsistencies in narrative voice.

FEE:  $3.25/page


A ten-page document, or 2500 words, would cost $45, our base rate.

A 300 page document, or 75,000 words, would cost $975.

Extensive Rewriting

FEE:  $10/page


A ten-page document, or 2500 words, would cost $100, our base rate.

A 300 page document, or 75,000 words, would cost $3,000.

We request that you pay 50% of the total fee before we begin work, with the balance due upon completion of the project.

Payment can be made using PayPal, a money order, or cashier’s check.

Questions?  Please contact us using the form below.  We look forward to serving you!


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